Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza

A Delicious Low-Carb Alternative

Key Takeaway:

  • Keto Pepperoni Pizza is a low-carb alternative to traditional pizza that incorporates smart ingredient choices.
  • The recipe offers health benefits through its low carb content, abundance of healthy fats.
  • Provides essential vitamins and minerals like calcium from Parmesan cheese or tomatoes
  • high-quality protein from eggs & pepperoni.
  • There are various ways to customize the Keto Pepperoni Pizza recipe.
  • Pairing the pizza with side dishes like salads or vegetable sides can create a balanced and satisfying meal.
  • Leftover pizza can be frozen and reheated for future enjoyment.
featured image for Easy Keto Pepperoni Pizza recipe

Looking for a delicious, guilt-free pizza recipe that won’t derail your keto diet? Look no further than this Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza. This recipe combines all the flavors you love about traditional pizza with a low-carb twist. With just a few simple ingredients and minimal prep time, you can enjoy a satisfying pizza that fits perfectly into your ketogenic lifestyle.

Pizza is one of the most beloved foods worldwide, but traditional recipes are usually high in carbohydrates due to the dough. The keto diet emphasizes low carbohydrate intake and high fat consumption to shift the body into a fat-burning state known as ketosis. Our Keto Pepperoni Pizza recipe incorporates smart ingredient choices and cooking techniques to create a deliciously low-carb version without sacrificing flavor or texture.

What is a Keto Pepperoni Pizza?

Keto Pepperoni Pizza is a variation of traditional pizza made specifically for those following a ketogenic diet. It replaces the high-carb dough with an alternative base made primarily from cream cheese, eggs, and Parmesan cheese. This creates a sturdy crust that holds up well when topped with tomato sauce, pepperoni slices, and melted Mozzarella cheese.

why is this Keto Pepperoni Pizza recipe Keto Friendly?

Unlike traditional pizza dough made from wheat flour that is loaded with carbs, our Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza swaps out carb-heavy ingredients for keto-friendly alternatives:

  • Cream Cheese: Cream cheese serves as the base of our crust, providing richness and structure without contributing significant carbohydrates.
  • Eggs: Eggs act as binders in our crust mixture while also adding moisture.
  • Parmesan Cheese: Grated Parmesan cheese adds flavor to the crust while keeping it low in carbohydrates.
  • Tomato Paste & Sugar-Free Tomato Sauce: We use tomato paste and sugar-free tomato sauce instead of regular marinara sauce to minimize sugar content and carbs.
  • Pepperoni: This classic pizza topping is low in carbohydrates, high in flavor, and provides a good source of protein.
  • Mozzarella Cheese: Shredded Mozzarella cheese adds gooeyness and richness to the pizza. It is also relatively low in carbohydrates compared to other types of cheese.

Health Benefits of Keto Pepperoni Pizza

Aside from being a tasty addition to your keto meal plan, this Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza offers various health benefits:

  1. Low Carb Content: With only 4.4 grams of net carbs per serving, this recipe helps to keep you within your daily carb limit while still satisfying your pizza cravings.
  2. High in Healthy Fats: The cream cheese, eggs, and Mozzarella cheese provide ample healthy fats which can support satiety and help you stay fuller for longer.
  3. Protein-Packed: The combination of cream cheese, eggs, Parmesan cheese, and pepperoni ensure that each slice packs a substantial amount of protein. Protein is essential for muscle repair and synthesis.
  4. Good Source of Vitamins & Minerals: This recipe includes ingredients such as basil, oregano, garlic powder that not only add flavor but also provide essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium. Ingredient Health Benefits Cream Cheese Provides calcium and vitamin A Eggs Excellent source of high-quality protein Parmesan Cheese Rich in calcium Tomato Paste Contains lycopene – an antioxidant Sugar-Free Tomato Sauce Lowers blood pressure with potassium Pepperoni Good source of B vitamins

Why Should You Try Keto Pepperoni Pizza?

  1. Convenience: This Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza recipe can be prepared in just 10 minutes of active time. It’s the perfect quick and easy meal option for those busy weeknights.
  2. Flavorful and Satisfying: By using a combination of cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, and pepperoni, you’ll get all the classic flavors you love on a pizza without jeopardizing your progress on the keto diet.
  3. Versatility: While our recipe calls for pepperoni as the topping, feel free to customize it with your favorite low-carb ingredients like mushrooms, bell peppers, or olives.


featured image for Easy Keto Pepperoni Pizza recipe

Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza

This delicious and guilt-free pepperoni pizza features a melt-in-your-mouth baked cream cheese “crust,” plus all the incredible flavor you’ve come to expect from this perennial favorite.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Inactive Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4
Calories 429 kcal



  • 8 oz. cream cheese room temperature
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/3 c. Parmesan cheese freshly grated
  • t. dried basil divided
  • t. dried oregano divided
  • 1 t. garlic powder divided
  • Sea salt and black pepper to taste
  • T. tomato paste
  • 3 T. sugar-free tomato sauce
  • 4 oz. pepperoni thinly sliced
  • 1 c. Mozzarella cheese shredded

Optional garnish:

  • Fresh basil leaves cut into thin slices



  • Preheat oven to 375° F and line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
  • Combine cream cheese, eggs, Parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon basil and oregano, and ½ teaspoon garlic powder in a medium-sized bowl. Season with salt and black pepper, to taste, and whisk until mixture is completely blended and smooth.
  • Spread the cream cheese mixture onto the prepared baking sheet into the desired shape and thickness. (For thicker crusts, reduce oven temperature to 350° F and increase baking times for best results).
  • Place the crust in the pre-heated oven for 8-10 minutes, or until slightly puffed and golden brown. Check halfway through cooking time to ensure the crust bakes evenly and does not become too brown.
  • In the meantime, whisk the tomato paste, tomato sauce, the remaining dried herbs, and the garlic powder in a small bowl. Lightly season with salt and black pepper, to taste, and stir to combine. Set aside.
  • Remove the pizza base from the oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes before topping with tomato sauce, sliced pepperoni, and shredded Mozzarella cheese.
  • Return pizza to oven and bake for another 10 minutes, or just until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Remove from oven and garnish with fresh basil, if desired, and serve immediately. Enjoy!


This versatile cream cheese crust recipe can be tweaked to include your favorite herbs and spices for a truly distinctive flavor. But don’t stop there! Experiment with your favorite pizza toppings for a quick and satisfying meal you can enjoy any night of the week.
Keyword delicious, keto, lowcarb, pizza

Here’s a breakdown of the nutritional values per serving:

Calorie Breakdown

Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza Nutrition pie chart
Protein – 24%
Fat – 69%
Carbohydrates – 6%
Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza Nutrition label
Carbohydrates (Per Serving)
Total carbs: 7g
Fiber: 1g
Sugars: 4g
Net carbs: 2g
*Source: HappyForks.com recipe analyzer.
Please note that these values are approximate and may vary depending on specific brands or measurements used.

Recipe Variations

While our recipe focuses on classic pepperoni pizza flavors, feel free to get creative with your toppings:

  1. Veggie Lovers: Load up your Keto Pepperoni Pizza with your favorite low-carb vegetables such as bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, or spinach.
  2. White Pizza: Skip the tomato sauce altogether and opt for a white pizza by mixing cream cheese with garlic powder or other herbs/spices of choice.
  3. Spicy Kick: Add some heat to your pizza by sprinkling crushed red pepper flakes over the toppings.
  4. Meat Feast: In addition to pepperoni slices, pile on other low-carb meats like cooked bacon bits or Italian sausage crumbles.
  5. Caprese Twist: Swap out Mozzarella cheese for fresh Mozzarella slices and top the pizza with slices of ripe tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, drizzle of balsamic reduction, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper.

Why Does Keto Pepperoni Pizza Work?

Keto Pepperoni Pizza works because it embraces smart ingredient choices that align with ketogenic principles. The combination of cream cheese, eggs, Parmesan cheese, tomato paste, and sugar-free tomato sauce creates a satisfying crust and flavorful sauce without adding unnecessary carbs.

The toppings of pepperoni slices and shredded Mozzarella cheese provide protein while keeping carb content in check. Together, these ingredients create a balanced keto-friendly pizza option that’s incredibly delicious.

Make it a Meal

While this Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza is satisfying on its own, you can elevate your meal by pairing it with some complementary dishes:

  1. Side Salad: Serve your pizza alongside a refreshing side salad dressed with olive oil and vinegar or your preferred low-carb dressing.
  2. Garlic Butter Vegetables: Roast or sauté low-carb veggies like zucchini, broccoli, or asparagus in garlic butter for a flavorful side dish.
  3. Low-Carb Dip: Offer up some dipping options like ranch dressing or marinara dip to add extra flavor to each bite.
  4. Cauliflower Rice: Replace traditional rice with cauliflower rice for a lighter side dish that keeps carbs low.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s Wrap This Up:

Now that you have discovered this Easy Weeknight Keto Pepperoni Pizza recipe, there’s no need to miss out on pizza night while following your keto diet. With its low-carb crust and flavorful toppings, this pizza will satisfy your cravings without derailing your progress.

Remember to get creative with your toppings and make it your own by experimenting with different combinations of vegetables, meats, cheeses, herbs, or spices. And don’t forget to share your creations with us!

Thank you for joining us on this journey towards delicious keto-friendly meals. We hope this recipe has inspired you to continue exploring low-carb options as part of your healthy lifestyle. Be sure to check out our other articles for more tasty recipes and tips!

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